About my website
My website is about my passion which is SEO , Digital Marketing, web development and more ! I want to store my ideas knowledge and share it with people. I hope You enjoy it!

Web design Stavanger, from basic and important UX features to complex technical information You will find info here and on the my blog.
I believe that only on clients satisfaction one can build success.

From simple and elegant logo through graphic, photos, vector images business card designs, e-mail signatures, leaflets and catalogs to simple Flash animation and application.

SEO & Digital Marketing
Even most amazing and breathtaking website without high position in Google is like a billboard in the middle of the forest. If no potential client see it then no one will buy it.
What is web design Stavanger all about ?
Few words about me.

I`m learning all the time to improve my coding skills and knowledge. At this moment I`m in the middle of my full stack web designer course , I know my way around in HTML, CSS, Boostrap, and I`m starting my adventure with jQuery, JavaScript, and then move on to PHP currently I`m learning Python

About me
I`m 29 years old, and my last 8 years I was working with many companies, smaller, medium and larger. I decided that exactly this is what I want to do in my life, helping to develop others by my knowledge and skills. Constantly developing myself through various new experiences, tasks and reaching new goals.
Check out my other projects like digital-marketing-analyst.com

I was always fascinated by laws which shape our economy, product popularity, success. I feel now not only You existence in the web counts, Life is competition, Your online marketing is competing all the time, from You depend are You winning or just existing, Check out also my post about Adwords to learn more about how to start Your online campaigns.
Some of my project
I`m not presenting here even 10% of my work because I was working under different companies which own the right to my work. But I hope my portfolio will grow larger soon.
Web design Stavanger – examples
Recent Projects
In my work I did plenty of things:
– Creating and managing a website.
– Creating and managing web shop o other form of e-commerce
– Improving site traffic by SEO, Googla Adwords or other online marketing tools.
– Planning, project management, reporting gathering data and improving.
– Gathering data about b2b clients, creating databases.
Leave me a message
I am skilled and experienced in many business areas, if You have any problem just try and write me a message.
I really like to learn by creating and doing something new let me know is there something I can help You with.
This site -” Web design Stavanger ” is part of my portfolio.
Those are some of work I done, I like to develop and all the time I`m trying something new. I will post my new project here on Web design Stavanger Webpage.